

     15 Signs of a high value man 1)  Top 10-5% in the social hierarchy. 2) Someone who has transformed his life and is able to continuously do it based on choice. 3) In control of his own time. 4) They are competitive but always ethical; value equality of opportunity. 5) Recognized by other high value peers. 6) Has a valuable network - professionally, financially, mentally, and morally. 7) Able to give opportunity and provide a livelihood to others. 8) Always does something visibly extraordinary, fair and good.  9) Can afford to walk away for something better. 10) Has coaches and mentors keeping him at his top performance.  11) He is master of probability not luck. 12) He is not an ,,almost,, . He values the end result. 13) They derive value from growth.  14) Able, confident and assertive. 15) He values his reputation and his legacy, which are his children. He is a present husband and father             and looks off...

Short Notes Of Mahatma Gandhi

🔺 महात्मा गाँधी से जुड़े महत्वपूर्ण GK🔺 ❑ गांधीजी का जन्म कब हुआ? ➠ 2 अक्टूबर, 1869 में ❑ गांधीजी वकालत करने के लिए दक्षिण अफ्रीका के कब गए थे? ➠ 1893 में ❑ गांधी जी ने पहली सत्याग्रह प्रयोग कब किया किया? ➠ सितम्बर 1906 में दक्षिण अफ्रीका, ट्रांसवाल में भारतीयों के खिलाफ जारी एशियाई अध्यादेश के विरोध में ❑ गांधी जी को पहली कारावास कब हुआ था? ➠ दक्षिण अफ्रीका में जोहानिसबर्ग में 1908 ❑ किस रेलवे स्टेशन में गांधी अपमानित किया और अपदस्थ किया गया था? ➠ दक्षिण अफ्रीका में पीटरमैरिट्सबर्ग रेलवे स्टेशन पर ❑ गांधीजी ने टालस्टाय फार्म (दक्षिण अफ्रीका) कब शुरू किया था? ➠ 1910 में ❑ गांधीजी फीनिक्स सेटलमेंट कहाँ शुरू कर दिया था? ➠ दक्षिण अफ्रीका के डरबन में ❑ दक्षिण अफ्रीका में गांधी जी द्वारा शुरू किये गए साप्ताहिक का क्या नाम है? ➠ इंडियन ओपिनियन (1904) ❑ गांधी जी दक्षिण अफ्रीका से भारत कब लौटे? ➠ 9 जनवरी 1915. 🔺9 जनवरी को इसी कारण प्रवासी भारतीय दिवस मनाया जाता है । ❑ भारत में गांधी जी का प्रथम सत्याग्रह कहाँ हुआ था? ➠ यह 1917 में चंपारण में इंडिगो श्रमिकों के अधिकार के लिए किया ...


  The mystry of life isn't a problem to solve.... but a reality to experience A process that can  not be understood by stopping it.  We must more with the flow of the process. We must join it. We must flow with it. ( JINDAGI EK PAHELI SULAJHANE K LIYE NAHI BANI ,  WO BANI HAI , ANUBHAV KARNE K LIYE... EK ASE PRAKRIYA JISKA SHAR USKO ROKNE ME NAHI HAI US K BAHAW K SAATH AAGE BADHNE ME HAI... USKA SAATH DANE ME HAI. USKE SAATH BAHNE ME HAI. )


  Life is a boon of God. It must be meaningful. Life is what we make of it. If we do not try to give it a concrete shape, it is chaotic and formless. A question arises : What is life? How should we lead? Life does not come in hours, weeks, months and years. It comes from every moment. So we must squeeze the juice of life from every moment. We must try to lead a meaningful life. We must use every moment to achieve higher goal in life. We should use every moment to create the world for the coming generation. Life is not measured by the years we live. It is measured by the work we do in life. If a man live for a hundred years, but he spends his time in idleness. His life is not worth-living. The worth of life is not measured by its length. It is judged by its deeds. A short worth-living is better than the long life of idleness. Every man wants to live long. But a long life is useless if it passes mere in eating, walking, chatting and sleeping. On the other hand, a short life is go...


$$ DEDICATED TO YOU MY DEAR You should know, how to handle not only success. How the handle the failures. Particularly you are in the management environment. I want the young people to understand how to manage the failure because any task you do you have to come across problem. Problems should not become the captain of the individual or a project chief and the project chief should become the captain of the problems and defeat the problem and succeed.  LEARNING Learning used creativity , creativity leads to thinking , thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you great.  GREATFUL TO -- A.P.J.ABDUL KALAM आपको पता होना चाहिए, कैसे न केवल सफलता को संभालना है। असफलताओं को कैसे संभालते हैं। विशेष रूप से आप प्रबंधन के माहौल में हैं। मैं चाहता हूं कि युवा यह समझें कि असफलता का प्रबंधन कैसे किया जाता है क्योंकि आप जो भी कार्य करते हैं, आपको समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है। समस्याएं व्यक्ति या परियोजना प्रमुख का कप्तान नहीं बनना चाहिए और परियोजना प्रमुख को समस्याओं का कप्तान बनना चाहिए...


  Alost every village has a school. Generally, a village school is situated outside of the village. The atmosphere around the school is peaceful. A village school has no attractive building. But open ground is found in a village school. Generally, a village school is established on the pieces of land donated by villagers. A play-ground is also available in the most of the village schools. It is sunny and airy. In a village school, both boys and girls read together. Most of the students come from poor families. Their parents are the people of low-income group. So the boys and girls are dirty. They are not well-dressed. They have no required books and stationery. In the village school, a different routine is maintained. Students have to do some extra curricular works like farming or gardening. They clean the class-rooms and the field. They go to their prayer first and then to their classes. They read their lessons loudly. Sometimes they memorize their lessons in the class. They r...

Failure are the pillars of success

  Failure is not always bad. It can be the stepping stone to success, if you take lessons from it. The pages of history show that every successful man fails at sometimes. Failure may be constructive, if you take it is reformative way. It shows one's weaknesses, shortcomings, lack of preparations, lack of efforts, so it can show to you the cause that made you failure. Success and failures are two faces of the same coin. If we are sincere and active, we are successful. If we are careless and lazy, we are failures. So we should not be discouraged from failures. We should try to know the cause of failures. Knowing them, we should start the work more sincerely. If we work sincerely, no doubt, we will get success. Success is not so easy. It requires something from us. To get success, we must have positive thinking. We must have will-power. We must be determined to get success. We cannot win the race, if we have negative thinking. We should always be ready to accept challenges with de...